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La pépite : Bilberry aide les agriculteurs à diminuer leur usage d’herbicides grâce à l’IA et au deep learning, par Lorraine Goumot
Ce jeudi 5 mai, dans la chronique La pépite, Lorraine Goumot reçoit […]
From Proof of Concept to Industrial Products by Leveraging TensorRT and GPUs
Sorting and spot-spraying machines in agriculture need to be precise and fast […]
Precision spraying technology: efficient, sustainable farming
One of the latest pieces of equipment being introduced is precision spraying technology. […]
5 Top Deep Learning Startups Impacting Agriculture
Solutions that replace carpet spraying of herbicides with more precise use reduce […]
Bilberry equips SwarBot to enable autonomous spot spraying
Goldacres produces 65 models suited to broadacre, horticulture, pasture, contracting, home & […]
Bilberry’s AI identifies weeds to make herbicide usage more precise
The French firm uses artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision to spot weeds […]